Dearest Ms. Blog, firstly, I just want to tell u that i miss u! huhu
Pagi ni, Cue masih mencari-cari lagi journal and article for my case study presentation. metformin, obesity, weight loss? Is there any pharmacological and clinical interrelation? fuh~ berpeluh... huhu
Well, it's been few days I did'nt write in this blog... rase semacam bila menulis balik... maksudnye, I must write everyday... but, there is a big question mark there~ ? ~ ade ke mase? *blur*
seriously, if i felt last semester was teribble and exhausting, this semester is somewhat few times folds... berganda-ganda! sampai kerja pun bertimpa-timpa, tak tahu mana satu nak kena buat dulu ~ walaupun sumenye kena siap on the very same dateline! *sigh*
Esok I need to struggle to complete the CP tutorial because I have to submit it on Thursday. Thursday afternoon ada discussion for the next CBL session. *penat*
dah la dengan prof.mansor ~ scary laa....~
Friday, as usual kena pergi Shah Alam... sambung buat projek research tu. But before tu, mesti kena buat homework sikit. Alamak, baru teringat! Dr.Wong suruh email pada supplier software tu untuk tny if there any more detail kits, sebab sekarang both Dr. Wong and I still terpisat-pisat nak guna mode apa untuk guna software tu. Damn! Lupa! Habislah kalau Dr. Wong tahu... *cuak*
Lepas ni, I must straight away send the email! I must!! *azam*
Waa~ tadi Cue dah cerita benda yang sama pada Intan dengan Nad. Sedih la bila pikir hari ni 26 Ogos... I really miss him! In fact, every one in the family really miss him... *almost crying*
Yup! I tend to be too sensitive when it comes to this matter. Tapi, mungkin Allah lebih tahu kenapa AMAT dipanggil pulang cepat sangat ~ hari ni, kalau Arwah masih ada, genap 2 tahun ~
Jom sama-sama sedekah Al-fatihah buat Arwah! Amat, Pokteh sayang AMat sangat-sangat! Pokteh tak pernah lupakan Amat! InsyaAllah...
kebetulan pulak, birthday Arwah jatuh sama dengan birthday Shamir... Wanna wish him very happy birthday yg ke 23... waaaa.... semoga semakin bahagia dengan EE... hakhak...
I got a problem dengan seorang kawan ni! Ala ~ die tak nak approve when I try to add him as one of my friend kat FB... sedey la, kenapa pilih-pilih macam tu lak? Cue ni pun kawan die gak (I don't know my status now, but he is always one of my greatest besfriend ~ BFF~)... Since he started having this FB lagi, dia tak nak approve. Duh! Sakit lah bila tengok dia comment kawan-kawan lain, tapi, I can't even look at his page pun... *sadis*
kejap lagi I'll have two classes, one with Dr. Javad and another one is comprised of two lecturers; by Prof. Mansur and Mr. Hadi, perhaps. I planned not to go to Dr' Javad's class, waaa~ mengantoklah class dia! hahaha... I don't want to tarnish my own reputation dengan tidur dlm class..haha...well, at some point, reputation tu penting! hakhak... ^_^
tapi, tengoklah, kalau rajin nanti, pergi. kalau tak, tidur! ahahaha...
oit, sekarang dah pukul 4++ a.m. Nak sahur! Tadi dah makan mee kungfu, nak makan roti pulak...haha *lapar*
jom! jom! sahur...
jumpe lagi dalam next post....
Selamat berpuasa... Daaa~
Monday, August 24, 2009
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Bulan Puasa Menjelma Lagi... ^_^
Assalamulaikum and good morning Malaysia! Hi Ms. Blog, How are you doing? hehe...
Yeah! Hari ni I'm going to Shah Alam for my research lab... Yesterday I discussed with my supervisor and he planed something for me to do today. He said this project is easy to do, but VERY DIFFICULT to rationalize... Meaning, I need to think more and harder than others. *toink! toink!*
Please pray for the best for me, for u and for all of us! (",)v peace!
Hey, almost forgot! Actually, I want to talk about fasting month that will start tomorrow. Yeah! Alhamdulillah, again, I can start this month with my family. Nak sahur dan berbuka dengan keluarga. Terawih? huhu... (tak nak janji, tapi kalau awal-awal bulan ni, InsyaAllah... ;p)
Esok hari pertama sahur, nak suruh mak masak pe ek? lalalalala... ^_^
Nak makan sambal tumis ikan bilis yang selalu mak masak on the spot tu. haha.. it might be simple, but when we have it with the beloved one, it will taste fabulous! buka puasa pulak, tak kisah sangat, sebab Cue lebih pentingkan kuih-muih kalau bulan puasa ni. Nak pergi bazar Ramadhan! Nak beli dua kuih favourite; badak berendam dengan kuih koci... haha sangat sedap... *yummy*
Alamak, I need to stop now! It almost 7! xsolat Subuh lagi. Haha.... (jangan contohi perangai taks enonoh ini, faham?) huhu... And I also need to get ready... The journey is going to begin. Yeah! Let rock it!
See ya! Peace... (",)v
Yeah! Hari ni I'm going to Shah Alam for my research lab... Yesterday I discussed with my supervisor and he planed something for me to do today. He said this project is easy to do, but VERY DIFFICULT to rationalize... Meaning, I need to think more and harder than others. *toink! toink!*
Please pray for the best for me, for u and for all of us! (",)v peace!
Hey, almost forgot! Actually, I want to talk about fasting month that will start tomorrow. Yeah! Alhamdulillah, again, I can start this month with my family. Nak sahur dan berbuka dengan keluarga. Terawih? huhu... (tak nak janji, tapi kalau awal-awal bulan ni, InsyaAllah... ;p)
Esok hari pertama sahur, nak suruh mak masak pe ek? lalalalala... ^_^
Nak makan sambal tumis ikan bilis yang selalu mak masak on the spot tu. haha.. it might be simple, but when we have it with the beloved one, it will taste fabulous! buka puasa pulak, tak kisah sangat, sebab Cue lebih pentingkan kuih-muih kalau bulan puasa ni. Nak pergi bazar Ramadhan! Nak beli dua kuih favourite; badak berendam dengan kuih koci... haha sangat sedap... *yummy*
Alamak, I need to stop now! It almost 7! xsolat Subuh lagi. Haha.... (jangan contohi perangai taks enonoh ini, faham?) huhu... And I also need to get ready... The journey is going to begin. Yeah! Let rock it!
See ya! Peace... (",)v
Nilai Sebuah Persahabatan
Ms. Blog,
Firstly, I just want to scream out loud; to release all of my tension away from me. I'm so damn exhausted! I went back from so-called replacement class at 4.30 p.m. and I straight away felt asleep. Just imagine how tired+sleepy+what ever word describing tiredness I am... huhu...
Aaarrrgggghhhhhh...... *screaming*
Fuh... lega! haha... ^_^
Now, lets continue with our topic. Nilai sebuah persahabatan? Agak komersil bunyinye, macam boleh buat novel pulak. Nop,actually, I want to share something. One of my bestfriends who tried to avoid me since early of this semester started to SMS and contacted me back, after 7 weeks. haha... I myself a bit suprised when he sent the message. U know what, actually, I expected him to do so; for one good reason (I think), because his lab session started last week, and as previously, I am the one who provide him with copy of lab report. Waa... frankly, I am afraid if he purposely SMS me just to have the copy and once he got it, the avoiding drama come in play again. Duh! Sakitlah macam tu, lagi pun, Cue memang tak pernah pikir dia macam tu. Tapi lepas semua yang dah jadi dalam 7 minggu ni, Cue sendiri kena rasa hati-hati dan kena pikir diri sendiri.Harap-harap dia tak pikir pun macam tu, dan dia sebenarnya memang ikhlas nak kawan-kawan macam dulu. Kata bestfriend, kan?
Tapi tulah, Cue cuma takut yang nilai persahabatan Cue ni sama je dengan nilai lab report dan assignment. Kalo Cue takde benda-benda ni, sampai bila kawan-kawan nak mengelak dari Cue pun tak tahu. But, I asked him to be honest and admit if he SMS me just to get those reports. But he denied it. *relief* (because I know he will not be lying)... But, I need to plan something, so that, my trust won't be abused and be taken for granted. So, is it too mean if I only give him one copy of report? If he wants the next week copy, he needs to come and ask from me again. haha... Boleh ke macam ni? Tak nampak desperate sangat ke? huhu...
Hmmm.... Cue harap sangat yang bestfriend Cue ni tak pikir macam tu. Datang jumpa hanya nak dapatkan sesuatu. Bila dah dapat, boleh buat sesuka hati, nak buang, buang jelah...
Tapi, half of my mind+heart is saying that this bestfriend, probably won't do that. But, on the other hand, another half of my mind+heart says I should watch out and don't be so kind!
Well, I don't know which way should I go? *fening-fening lalat*
Itulah yang Cue maksudkan dengan nilai sebuah persahabatan? Boleh dikira ke? Boleh dibalas? Boleh dipersoalkan ke? Jawapannya hanya ada dalam diri kita sendiri. Sejauh mana kita meletakkan kawan-kawan itu sebagai salah seorang yang penting dalam hidup kita dan ke arah kejayaan kita, hanya kita yang dapat menjawabnya. Ada orang kata, girlfriend lagi penting daripada kawan, so, bila keluar dengan girlfriend, kawan-kawan kena fahamlah. Ada pulak cakap, kawan ni susah nak cari, tapi girlfirend, kalau tak boleh terima kawan-kawan aku, baik aku cari yang lain. Yang mana satu betul? *geleng kepala, sebab tak tahu*
Cue rasa, tak ada satu yang betul. Kawan memang penting as important as girlfriend/boyfirend (future kena fikir jugak =p)... tapi yang paling penting ialah cara kita prioritize ourselves and how we spend the quality time with friends and the special one. Kena adil, macam poligamilah jugak.
Sebab kawan ni kita perlukan sampai bila-bila, tapi, yang special pun kita perlukan. Jadi? Sayangi mereka kedua-duanya! hahaha... ^_^
Now, what I can do is to see, whether my bestfriend stick to his word or not. (But, I seriously hope that he won't play around with that kind of word/promise)... memang cari pasal lah tu...
Oklah, Ms.Blog, I think I need to get myself ready for dinner and Mr/Tommy's assignment afterward.
Till the next post, see ya! (",)v
Firstly, I just want to scream out loud; to release all of my tension away from me. I'm so damn exhausted! I went back from so-called replacement class at 4.30 p.m. and I straight away felt asleep. Just imagine how tired+sleepy+what ever word describing tiredness I am... huhu...
Aaarrrgggghhhhhh...... *screaming*
Fuh... lega! haha... ^_^
Now, lets continue with our topic. Nilai sebuah persahabatan? Agak komersil bunyinye, macam boleh buat novel pulak. Nop,actually, I want to share something. One of my bestfriends who tried to avoid me since early of this semester started to SMS and contacted me back, after 7 weeks. haha... I myself a bit suprised when he sent the message. U know what, actually, I expected him to do so; for one good reason (I think), because his lab session started last week, and as previously, I am the one who provide him with copy of lab report. Waa... frankly, I am afraid if he purposely SMS me just to have the copy and once he got it, the avoiding drama come in play again. Duh! Sakitlah macam tu, lagi pun, Cue memang tak pernah pikir dia macam tu. Tapi lepas semua yang dah jadi dalam 7 minggu ni, Cue sendiri kena rasa hati-hati dan kena pikir diri sendiri.Harap-harap dia tak pikir pun macam tu, dan dia sebenarnya memang ikhlas nak kawan-kawan macam dulu. Kata bestfriend, kan?
Tapi tulah, Cue cuma takut yang nilai persahabatan Cue ni sama je dengan nilai lab report dan assignment. Kalo Cue takde benda-benda ni, sampai bila kawan-kawan nak mengelak dari Cue pun tak tahu. But, I asked him to be honest and admit if he SMS me just to get those reports. But he denied it. *relief* (because I know he will not be lying)... But, I need to plan something, so that, my trust won't be abused and be taken for granted. So, is it too mean if I only give him one copy of report? If he wants the next week copy, he needs to come and ask from me again. haha... Boleh ke macam ni? Tak nampak desperate sangat ke? huhu...
Hmmm.... Cue harap sangat yang bestfriend Cue ni tak pikir macam tu. Datang jumpa hanya nak dapatkan sesuatu. Bila dah dapat, boleh buat sesuka hati, nak buang, buang jelah...
Tapi, half of my mind+heart is saying that this bestfriend, probably won't do that. But, on the other hand, another half of my mind+heart says I should watch out and don't be so kind!
Well, I don't know which way should I go? *fening-fening lalat*
Itulah yang Cue maksudkan dengan nilai sebuah persahabatan? Boleh dikira ke? Boleh dibalas? Boleh dipersoalkan ke? Jawapannya hanya ada dalam diri kita sendiri. Sejauh mana kita meletakkan kawan-kawan itu sebagai salah seorang yang penting dalam hidup kita dan ke arah kejayaan kita, hanya kita yang dapat menjawabnya. Ada orang kata, girlfriend lagi penting daripada kawan, so, bila keluar dengan girlfriend, kawan-kawan kena fahamlah. Ada pulak cakap, kawan ni susah nak cari, tapi girlfirend, kalau tak boleh terima kawan-kawan aku, baik aku cari yang lain. Yang mana satu betul? *geleng kepala, sebab tak tahu*
Cue rasa, tak ada satu yang betul. Kawan memang penting as important as girlfriend/boyfirend (future kena fikir jugak =p)... tapi yang paling penting ialah cara kita prioritize ourselves and how we spend the quality time with friends and the special one. Kena adil, macam poligamilah jugak.
Sebab kawan ni kita perlukan sampai bila-bila, tapi, yang special pun kita perlukan. Jadi? Sayangi mereka kedua-duanya! hahaha... ^_^
Now, what I can do is to see, whether my bestfriend stick to his word or not. (But, I seriously hope that he won't play around with that kind of word/promise)... memang cari pasal lah tu...
Oklah, Ms.Blog, I think I need to get myself ready for dinner and Mr/Tommy's assignment afterward.
Till the next post, see ya! (",)v
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Entah - Afgan
Waa.... Entah tak tahu pulak kenapa tiba-tiba pagi ni rasa nak post lirik lagu ni kat blog ni. Ms. Blog, come and feel what I'm feeling right now.... huhu...
try to upload the video as well, but it failed. nevermind, I'll try to upload it again. No worries! huhu... for the moment, please hayati lirik lagu ni. and if u want to download the song, u may copy and paste this URL (try to make it hyperlinked, but I still not that good as a blogger boy - kena blajar ngan my Cute-but-garang Sifu... ;p)
Kutahu, kau selingkuh
Kau duakan cintaku yang tulus
Kau tahu, diriku
Tak pernah berpaling dari dirimu
Tega nya kau dustai semua
Janji kita berdua
Entah masih kah ada cinta dihatiku
Untuk mu
Entah kapan kah ku dapat membuka hati ini, untuk mu..o…
Tak pernah ku bayangkan
Cerita kita berakhir begini
Tega nya kau dustai semua
Janji kita berdua
Entah masih kah ada cinta dihatiku
Untuk mu
Entah kapan kah ku dapat membuka hati ini, untuk mu..o…
Masih kah ada, o…
Cinta dihati ini
Dihati kecilku berharap kau masih bagian dari hidupku…
Entah masih kah ada cinta dihatiku
Untuk mu
Entah kapan kah ku dapat membuka hati ini, untuk mu..o…
Sangat2 syahdu... ada sape2 rasa macam lagu ni kisah cinta sendiri? hehe...
tapi, daripada lirik ni, dapat rasa betapa sakitnya hati bila orang yang kita percayai, sayangi, cintai menduakan cinta... huhu (sometimes, I can be so jiwang, okay?)
nak kena bersiap untuk ke kelas... enjoy the lirik and song!
p/s: i have two important presentations today - back-to-back - 1. CBL & 2. with my supervisor; need to clarify why I can't get the expected result for my research work... scary-mary ma... oh?
just nice of you, if u can pray for me to be all succeed today... InsyaAllah
try to upload the video as well, but it failed. nevermind, I'll try to upload it again. No worries! huhu... for the moment, please hayati lirik lagu ni. and if u want to download the song, u may copy and paste this URL (try to make it hyperlinked, but I still not that good as a blogger boy - kena blajar ngan my Cute-but-garang Sifu... ;p)
Kutahu, kau selingkuh
Kau duakan cintaku yang tulus
Kau tahu, diriku
Tak pernah berpaling dari dirimu
Tega nya kau dustai semua
Janji kita berdua
Entah masih kah ada cinta dihatiku
Untuk mu
Entah kapan kah ku dapat membuka hati ini, untuk mu..o…
Tak pernah ku bayangkan
Cerita kita berakhir begini
Tega nya kau dustai semua
Janji kita berdua
Entah masih kah ada cinta dihatiku
Untuk mu
Entah kapan kah ku dapat membuka hati ini, untuk mu..o…
Masih kah ada, o…
Cinta dihati ini
Dihati kecilku berharap kau masih bagian dari hidupku…
Entah masih kah ada cinta dihatiku
Untuk mu
Entah kapan kah ku dapat membuka hati ini, untuk mu..o…
Sangat2 syahdu... ada sape2 rasa macam lagu ni kisah cinta sendiri? hehe...
tapi, daripada lirik ni, dapat rasa betapa sakitnya hati bila orang yang kita percayai, sayangi, cintai menduakan cinta... huhu (sometimes, I can be so jiwang, okay?)
nak kena bersiap untuk ke kelas... enjoy the lirik and song!
p/s: i have two important presentations today - back-to-back - 1. CBL & 2. with my supervisor; need to clarify why I can't get the expected result for my research work... scary-mary ma... oh?
just nice of you, if u can pray for me to be all succeed today... InsyaAllah
Kaca atau Permata?


Assalamualaikum semua, jumpa lagi... ^_^
Hi Ms. Blog y setia mendengar...
Kaca atau Permata?
Waa... ape sebenarnye yang Cue nak cakap ni? hehe... well, firstly I would like to share with u guys yang petang tadi I went to one program organized by my faculty named KACA (Program Ke Arah Kecemerlangan Akademik)... Itu yang tiba-tiba kaca atau permata tu? haha...
Baguslah program tu sebenarnye, patutlah hati dan akal ni menyuruh-nyuruh pergi dari semalam lagi. Nasib baik pagi tadi jumpa dengan Cik Jannah, dan dan dia cakap tak kisah. So, daripada tidur kat bilik, lebih baik pergi. hehe...
Tapi lawak lah tadi, I don't know why everything the motivator said has someting to do with me. Yang paling tak boleh lupa pasal personaliti menerusi tarikh lahir tu... Seriously, I was just like stoned sekejap, sebab rasa macam bertubi-tubi kena perli. haha... Lawak jugak time Intan asked for her birth date. Garang, yup! that's the only and first word. Shamir, Fathiah, Kema and I laughed like hell tadi. sian Intan, but, honestly, I never see you be in 'Garang' mode... huhu... how would it be ek? *wondering*
Lagi satu yang Cue suka pasal KACA tadi, sebab dapat jumpa budak-budak tu. Well, actually I was frightened at first to know how they will react when they see me. Sebab sebelum-sebelum ni diorang tu mcm lari-lari daripada Cue. But, tadi diorang okay je. hehe... But, I don't know. I didn't talk to Anox or Joe (of course Bani jugak ;p). Kema pun tadi cakap Cue pulak yang sombong. Haha... What ever! Penatlah pikir pasal benda ni, so I don't want to think about it like I don't have anything else to take care of.
Mmm... dah alang-alang buka topik pasal Kaca vs Permata ni, why don't we extend little bit our discussion on it. Betul ke orang kata cinta itu buta? sampai kadang-kadang boleh jugak terpilih yang 'kaca' walau pun pada awalnya orang tu 'permata'? I myself don't have the answer because I don't know!
And under what criteria and circumstances seseorang tu is considered as 'kaca' or ' permata'? Bila pulak kita mula rasa 'permata' nak bertukar jadi 'kaca'? Susahlah nak jawab soalan-soalan macam tu, sebab bila dah sayang semua tu indah! Mungkin sebab tu orang cakap cinta itu buta lagi membutakan! hehe... what ever it is, try your best to not be fooled by this blind love... Sayang ada padanya.
Ok, done! yang penting sekali kita tahu apa yang kita rasa. Tipulah kalau kita nak menafikan apa yang kita rasa. Sangat tak adil untuk diri kita sendiri, tapi, ingatlah, sayang itu tak semestinya memiliki. haha... apa yang Cue merapu ni. Macam byk sgt pengalaman kan? Sorry2... ;p
Tak kisahlah yang mana menang, kaca ke permata ke, yang penting, diri kita ni tak jadi mangsa!
Dah penat menulis. Sangat lapar. Nak makan! huhu...
Kita jumpa lagi dalam post baru nanti.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Test? CBL? Assignment?
Saya sangat penat...
Assalamualaikum semua... hi Ms.Blog, how are u? :p
Even before greeting you guys, I started with a sighing plus frowning introduction... haha
yup! I am really exhausted and tired. there's no word can describe the level of my penat! haha... bukan penat fizikal je la, penat mental tu... so many things need to think about...
just say it; assignment, CBL, test, research, bla... bla... bla...
Luckily, I'm done with the first test... Alhamdulillah, I managed to answer the questions (even not that correct, I guess; I used "frying theory" je tadi....). haha...
ala, ques die mmg dah spot tapi bila dah buat lupe elaboration and example nak bagi ape... so, menggoreng jelah jawabnye... haha
next week, I will have two other tests; Clinical Pharmacokinetics and CBL... wawawa... scary la! so, mmg byk sgt benda nak kena revise and study! dengan research masih stuck kat phase 2...SAYA SANGAT TAKUT MEMIKIRKAN INI!!!! huhu...

Wow... It's 1++ a.m. now, tak sedar pun... leka bermonolog di dalam blog (cewah.... huhu)
so, till the next post...
Assalamualaikum semua... hi Ms.Blog, how are u? :p
Even before greeting you guys, I started with a sighing plus frowning introduction... haha
yup! I am really exhausted and tired. there's no word can describe the level of my penat! haha... bukan penat fizikal je la, penat mental tu... so many things need to think about...
just say it; assignment, CBL, test, research, bla... bla... bla...
Luckily, I'm done with the first test... Alhamdulillah, I managed to answer the questions (even not that correct, I guess; I used "frying theory" je tadi....). haha...
ala, ques die mmg dah spot tapi bila dah buat lupe elaboration and example nak bagi ape... so, menggoreng jelah jawabnye... haha
next week, I will have two other tests; Clinical Pharmacokinetics and CBL... wawawa... scary la! so, mmg byk sgt benda nak kena revise and study! dengan research masih stuck kat phase 2...SAYA SANGAT TAKUT MEMIKIRKAN INI!!!! huhu...

Wow... It's 1++ a.m. now, tak sedar pun... leka bermonolog di dalam blog (cewah.... huhu)
so, till the next post...
Monday, August 17, 2009
Cue is writing something ^_^
Assalamualaikun semua... hi blog! ;p
I created this blog just spontaneously, while revising for my test this evening... ;p
may be i need some space to talk to myself (thru this blog) and to persons I trust (who I'll inform about this blog)...
Arrghh..... what in the world is happening to me? LAZY! that is correct and the most appropriate word to describe me right now... i still have few pages of notes to digest and I am writing this blog, though. kewl, right? haha...
Millions thanks to Intan, coz she woke me up just now... I can't imagine how would it be if I still in my dreams now... Giler! Haha... Memang kena bawak toyol esok! haha...
And I think she is the one who inspires me to create this blog, because she has one. And definitely, she is the first person to know about this blog... haha... exchange blog, can meh? haha
I think it's enough for now, but I surely will write more next time... got to finish the revision... I dont want to take any risk... tidak mau! hahaha...
till the next post... see ya! adios... (",)
I created this blog just spontaneously, while revising for my test this evening... ;p
may be i need some space to talk to myself (thru this blog) and to persons I trust (who I'll inform about this blog)...
Arrghh..... what in the world is happening to me? LAZY! that is correct and the most appropriate word to describe me right now... i still have few pages of notes to digest and I am writing this blog, though. kewl, right? haha...
Millions thanks to Intan, coz she woke me up just now... I can't imagine how would it be if I still in my dreams now... Giler! Haha... Memang kena bawak toyol esok! haha...
And I think she is the one who inspires me to create this blog, because she has one. And definitely, she is the first person to know about this blog... haha... exchange blog, can meh? haha
I think it's enough for now, but I surely will write more next time... got to finish the revision... I dont want to take any risk... tidak mau! hahaha...
till the next post... see ya! adios... (",)
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